1 These Djoesfit General Terms and Conditions of Delivery will be
effective starting from August 1, 2022.

Terms and conditions Djoesfit

Article 1 Definitions

The Entrepreneur: The natural or legal person who, as a member of Djoesfit, enters into an agreement regarding fitness activities.
The Consumer: A natural person not acting in the exercise of a profession or business who enters into an agreement regarding fitness activities.
Fitness: A service aimed at physical and/or mental activity.
The Agreement: The agreement between the Entrepreneur and the Consumer concerning Fitness.

Article 2 Applicability

These general terms and conditions apply to all agreements regarding fitness activities between the Entrepreneur and the Consumer.

Article 3 The offer

1. Djoesfit offer is made in writing or electronically and is valid for a period specified by Djoesfit. If no term has been set for acceptance, the offer will remain in force for two weeks after the date of the offer.
2. After the offer has been made, the Consumer fills in a medical questionnaire that is made available to him by Djoesfit.
3. The offer includes at least:
– the mention of the possibility to view the fitness room(s) and facilities;
– the cooling-off period, as referred to in Article 5;
– the facilities and guidance that can be used;
– the days and times on which the facilities can be used;
– the costs for the subscription and the consequences for the costs in the event of an earlier cancellation pursuant to Article 6. From the
offer clearly shows whether it concerns periodic costs or one-off costs;
– at what time the costs are charged by Djoesfit on the basis
of Article 7 can be increased annually;
– the method of payment and the term of payment;
– the period of the Agreement and the associated notice period or,
in the case of a strippenkaart, the period of validity and;
– the house rules.
4. The description of the offer must be sufficient to enable a proper assessment of the offer by the Consumer.
5. The offer is accompanied – in writing or electronically – by
a copy of these terms and conditions.

Article 4 The Agreement

The Agreement is concluded by signing the offer.
The Agreement is strictly personal.

Article 5 Reflection period

During a reflection period of one week after signing the Agreement, the Consumer has the option
to cancel the Agreement free of charge. The aforementioned right of withdrawal ends when the Consumer
earlier use of the fitness facilities.

Article 6 Duration and Termination

1. Djoesfit offers the Consumer at least a choice of:
– an Agreement of 3 months or less and;
– an Agreement of longer duration.
Unless agreed otherwise, the agreement must be canceled for 1 year or less with due observance of a notice period of 1 month at the end of the subscription term, all this
in accordance with paragraph 4 of this article. If the Agreement is not terminated in time, the Agreement will be terminated
continued indefinitely after the agreed period. An agreement for an indefinite period is possible at any time
be terminated with due observance of the notice period of 1 month, all in accordance with paragraph 4 of this article.
2. If the Agreement is concluded for a longer period than 1 year, the Consumer has the option after 1 year to
To terminate the agreement with due observance of the notice period of 1 month, in accordance with paragraph 4 of this article.
3. Het voor de Consument als gevolg van een aantoonbare blessure of ziekte onmogelijk is geworden om gedurende de rest van
de abonnementsperiode gebruik te maken van de fitnessactiviteiten.
This termination must take place with due observance of the notice period of 1 month by the end of the month, a
and other in accordance with paragraph 4 of this article.
4. The Agreement must be terminated in writing or, if the Agreement was entered into digitally, digitally or in writing.
5. In the event of a cancellation as referred to in paragraphs 2 and 3, Djoesfit is entitled to recalculate the contribution for the elapsed subscription period on the basis of the actual
purchased period and the associated demonstrable (higher) subscription fee and/or registration fee.
6. In addition to the cancellation option as referred to in paragraph 3
there is a freezing option for the Consumer. If the Consumer for a period of
cannot use the fitness activities for more than one month due to a demonstrable injury or illness,
then the contract period will be subsequently extended by this period without additional subscription costs being charged for this period.
7. Premature termination by Djoesfit is possible with immediate effect if:
– the Consumer violates one or more provisions of these terms and conditions or of the applicable (household) regulations, unless the violation does not result in an early termination
justifies or;
– the Consumer has acted unlawfully towards
Djoesfit or towards a contractor of Djoesfit. The remaining subscription fee will not be refunded in these cases.
8. If Djoesfit terminates his business, interim termination by Djoesfit is possible with due observance of a notice period of 1 month. In that case, the remaining subscription fee will be refunded.

Article 7 Price and price changes

1. The subscription fee is agreed in advance.
2. Any price increases will be sufficiently announced by Djoesfit 2 weeks in advance.
3. If a price increase takes place, the Consumer has the right to terminate the Agreement within 4 weeks after the
cancel notice. It
prepaid subscription fee will be refunded.
4. The possibility of dissolution under paragraph 3 does not apply to price adjustments based on the price index for household consumption nor to price adjustments that are directly
arising from the law, such as those relating to VAT. If this price increase takes place within 3 months after the conclusion of the Agreement, then there is a right to
dissolution as referred to in paragraph 3.

Article 8 Obligations of Djoesfit

1. Djoesfit guarantees that the facilities and services provided comply with the Agreement.
2. Djoesfit will subject the facilities to the required maintenance.
3. Djoesfit guarantees that the instructors or supervisors have sufficient knowledge that may reasonably be expected.
4. Djoesfit ensures that sufficient first aid equipment is available.
5. Djoesfit takes measures to prevent damage to or loss of property of Consumers.

Article 9 Obligations of the Consumer

1. The Consumer adheres to the instructions given by Djoesfit and the (household) regulations.
2. The Consumer must report a medical contraindication for Fitness to Djoesfit.
3. The Consumer must follow the instructions of Djoesfit
or to follow up the employees appointed by him. The Consumer is not allowed to use devices
or facilities with which the Consumer is not familiar. If the Consumer is not familiar with one or more devices
or facilities, he must make this known to Djoesfit, so that Djoesfit can provide an explanation.
4. The Consumer is not allowed to use the devices and facilities if he is under the influence of
alcohol, drugs, medicines or substances designated as doping.
5. The Consumer is not allowed to smoke in the fitness areas made available by Djoesfit.
6. The Consumer must timely notify Djoesfit in writing or electronically of changes in the postal address, e-mail address, bank account number and telephone number.

Article 10 Interim changes

1. Djoesfit can make interim changes to the facilities offered and opening hours. Djoesfit
will give adequate notice of the intended changes at least 4 weeks in advance.
2. In the event of changes, as referred to in paragraph 1, to the detriment of the Consumer, the Consumer has the right to terminate the subscription without notice for 4 weeks after the announcement, unless the change does not justify termination. If the aforementioned cancellation is justified
the prepaid subscription fee will be refunded.

Article 11 Proof of participation

1. After payment of the amount due and after handing over a copy of a recent proof of identity, the
Consumer proof of participation. The proof of participation
will be used upon arrival for registration of the visit, if requested.
2. If the proof of participation is lost or damaged, a new proof can be requested. A
The entrepreneur is entitled to charge reasonable costs for this.

Article 12 Payment

  1. The subscription fee owed is agreed upon in advance and must be paid as agreed.
  2. If payment is not made on time, the Consumer is in default by operation of law. The Entrepreneur will notify the Consumer of this in writing, after which payment must still be made within 14 days.
  3. After this period has expired, the Entrepreneur is entitled to charge statutory interest and reasonable (extrajudicial) collection costs pursuant to Article 6:96 paragraph 2 of the Dutch Civil Code.
  4. Reversal: If a direct debit is reversed or refunded, an administrative fee of €10.00 per reversal will be charged. stornering in rekening gebracht.
  5. If the Consumer fails to meet their payment obligations, the Entrepreneur may deny access to the fitness facilities and take legal action.

Article 13 Liability

1. Djoesfit is liable towards the Consumer for damage as a result of an attributable shortcoming in
the fulfillment of its obligations under the Agreement and for damage that is for the account and risk of the Entrepreneur
comes. Djoesfit is not liable for damage to or loss of property, insofar as Djoesfit
has taken measures to prevent damage to or loss of property.
2. Djoesfit will take out adequate insurance against his business risks. The liability of Djoesfit
is limited to the amount for which
Djoesfit can claim a payment from the insurance company with a minimum of 1,000,000 euros per case.
3. The Consumer is liable to Djoesfit for damage as a result of an attributable shortcoming in
the fulfillment of his obligations under the Agreement and for damage that is for the account and risk of the Consumer.

Article 14 Complaints

1. Djoesfit has a sufficiently publicized complaints procedure and handles his complaints in accordance with this procedure.
2. The Consumer must submit complaints about the implementation of the Agreement as soon as possible - but at the latest within two
months after the Consumer has discovered the defects – to Djoesfit, unless this is not reasonably possible
can be expected. These complaints must be complete, clearly described and accompanied by any means of evidence.
3. Failure to submit a complaint in time may result in the Consumer losing his rights in this regard.
4. Djoesfit will answer the complaints submitted to him by the Consumer as soon as possible - but no later than within four weeks - calculated from the date of receipt. If a complaint a foreseeable
requires a longer processing time, Djoesfit will reply immediately with a message
of receipt and an indication of the period within which a more detailed answer can be expected.
